Educational Insights

ALAN PAUL 2017年8月25日

莱诺拉·(Lenora Chu)


中国是一个地域辽阔、矛盾重重的国家,大部分与之有关的具启发性的著作,通常都是集中在某一个话题来一探究竟,比如航空业、计划生育政策和工厂民工的生活。教育是一扇特别透明的窗户,这在富有见地的《小战士》中得到了证明。本书在探究中国学校系统的同时,思考了从贿赂到城乡差距的文化困境。中国的学校制度深深根植于古代儒家思想和共产主义信条。就像莱诺拉·(Lenora Chu)写的那样,在中国,不计其数的个体决定,无论大小,都是以教育的名义做出的。


Michael D'Ambrosia 莱诺拉·朱(Lenora Chu)

读过本书后,所有人都会对中国有更好的了解。本书的核心内容是莱诺拉·朱让三岁大的儿子入读上海一所高级幼儿园的经历。她和丈夫、NPR(全国公共广播电台)记者罗布·施米茨(Rob Schmitz)费了一番功夫才让雷尼(Rainey)得以入学。但从雷尼第一天上幼儿园开始,他们就开始重作考虑。他们担心儿子会被洗脑,变成一个优秀的小战士、一个忠诚的中国爱国者。他们知道学校肯定会采取冲撞美式情感的方式,包括严厉的约束;为了力争上游,公开从身高、血红蛋白水平到竖笛演奏水平、守时和礼貌程度的一切排名;甚至会在孩子不愿午睡时威胁要叫警察。





本文作者Alan Paul著有《夺路而出》(One Way Out)及回忆录《Big in China》。他的孩子就读于北京一所英国学校。


William Fitzsimmons
Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Harvard College



Marlyn E. McGrath
Director of Admissions, Harvard College



Charles Ducey
Adjunct Lecturer in Psychology, Harvard Graduate School of Education



College admissions officers, especially those who admitted the parents of today’s applicants, have an unusual vantage point from which to observe changes from one generation to the next. Many of us are concerned that the pressures on today’s students seem far more intense than those placed on previous generations. College admission—the chance to position oneself for “success” through the acquisition of the “right” college degree—looms large for increasing numbers of students. Particularly because selective colleges are perceived to be part of the problem, we want to do everything possible to help the students we enroll make the most of their opportunities, avoiding the much-reported “burnout” phenomenon that can keep them from reaching their full potential.


Of course, the quest for college admission is only one aspect of a much larger syndrome driving many students today. Stories about the latest twenty-something multimillionaires, the astronomical salaries for athletes and pop-music stars, and the often staggering compensation packages for CEOs only stimulate the frenzied search for the brass ring. More than ever, students (and their parents) seek to emulate those who win the “top prizes” and the accompanying disproportionate rewards.


From the cradle on…

The chase for the prize begins early, and some reports sound hyperbolic. Anecdotes abound of infants serenaded with classical music to enhance their mental powers; toddlers overwhelmed with computers and “educational” toys; “experts” guilt-tripping parents by telling them that their children will be hopelessly behind by age three or four if they don’t follow myriad prescribed strategies.


Consultants are paid thousands of dollars to prepare toddlers for the “all- important” interview and observed play-time that will determine admission to the “right” pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, or primary school—thereby presumably ensuring admission to the right high school, college, graduate school, and so on. The consultant will teach the child to maintain eye contact in the interview and to demonstrate both leadership and sharing during the observed play sequence. The competition for admission to some of thes pre-k, kindergarten, and grammar schools can be intense—statistically more difficult (with lower admission rates) than Harvard.


Once in the “right” school, students are pushed along by teachers, by outside tutors and, if they stumble, by learning specialists who will help them approach their studies in the most efficient manner. The school day continues well into the night with structured study time and drills. The pressure can be relentless, even from well-intentioned parents. For the most part, they simply want the best for their children who, they fear, will be left by the wayside by other high achievers.


Sports, music, dance, and other recreational activities used to provide a welcome break, a time to relax and unwind. No more: training for college scholarships—or professional contracts—begins early, even in grammar school. Professional instruction, summer camps, and weekly practice and game schedules consume many hours and nearly all free time. Student and family commuting logistics become byzantine in their complexity. Even “play-time” is often structured and enriched with just the right mix of appropriate playmates and educational activities. Summer vacations have become a thing of the past. The pace of the day and the year allows little time simply “to be a kid”—or, it seems, to develop into a complete human being.


The middle school/high school fast track


By high school, the pressure intensifies. Students start to specialize in one activity even to the exclusion of other pursuits. Athletes, dancers, musicians and others begin to define themselves by their chosen activity as they try to perfect their new-found talents and identities.


The American Academy of Pediatrics has warned of possible physical and psychological damage that can result from specializing in a sport prematurely. For every success story, there are countless other less happy results. Some students participate in programs that take up as much time as school. Fast-track athletic teams compete or practice most days—with weekend-consuming road games, and national or international schedules during summers and vacations. A serious athlete or musician or dancer may change schools for a better athletic program, even moving far away from home to do so, and perhaps to an academically weaker school.


Academic demands also ratchet up, supported by special tutors and the beginnings of SAT prep in middle school. In high school, SAT prep becomes a way of life for some students, with night and weekend sessions. The “right” SAT tutors may command several hundred dollars per hour, and can be engaged to live during the summer at or near their tutees’ beach houses. Summer “cram schools” for the SATs are increasingly common, as are summer school sessions at the best prep schools and universities, some beginning in middle school.

学术要求随着专业导师的主张和在初中阶段就开始SAT备考而日益高涨。在高中,SAT备考已成为某些学生的生活方式,晚上和周末都在上课。“正确”的SAT导师每小时可收取几百美元的费用,并可以在夏季期间在他们的学生的海滨别墅中或附近居住。 SAT的夏季“补习班”越来越普遍,最好的预科学校和大学暑期班也越来越普遍,有些是从初中就开始了。

The quest for the right college

Professional college counselors (either independent or school-based) appear on the scene early, sometimes in middle school, to begin to structure students’ academic and extracurricular profiles for entrance to the “right” college. At its best, such advice can be helpful in assessing talents, goals, and making “mid-course corrections” that can make a real difference in students’ lives. From a more cynical perspective, such advice steers students toward travel abroad, community service, or other activities solely to enhance college application essays or interviews. Such services may command thousands of dollars, and assistance in preparing applications ranges from appropriate to plagiaristic. Videotaped mock college interviews are features of some packages, as are guided tours of colleges. An array of services start in ninth grade (“or seventh or eighth grade for no extra charge”) for fees of in the thousands of dollars. More specific services include Essay Review, which offers “brainstorming session and as many revisions as necessary.” Such services can add to, rather than alleviate, the stress of the normal expectations of school, community, and family life. Their “products,” such as overly-slick essays, can even hurt a student’s admissions chances as they can sometimes be easy to spot in the admissions process.


The pressure of gaining entrance to the most selective colleges is commonly blamed for much of the stress we observe. But those of us who work in college admissions recognize that college is only one of many destinations in the lane. The accumulation of “credentials” simply continues to intensify as the stakes increase. The “right” graduate school looms after college, and the “right” sequence of jobs is next. Such attainments make it possible to live in the “right” kinds of communities and to begin the job of bringing up the following generation, one that might need to vault even higher hurdles.


The fallout

Faced with the fast pace of growing up today, some students are clearly distressed, engaging in binge drinking and other self-destructive behaviors. Counseling services of secondary schools and colleges have expanded in response to greatly increased demand. It is common to encounter even the most successful students, who have won all the “prizes,” stepping back and wondering if it was all worth it. Professionals in their thirties and forties - physicians, lawyers, academics, business people and others - sometimes give the impression that they are dazed survivors of some bewildering life-long boot-camp. Some say they ended up in their profession because of someone else’s expectations, or that they simply drifted into it without pausing to think whether they really loved their work. Often they say they missed their youth entirely, never living in the present, always pursuing some ill-defined future goal.


Some early remedies

What can be done to help? Fortunately this young fast-track generation itself offers ideas that can reduce stress and prevent burnout. In college application essays and interviews, in conversations and counseling sessions with current college students, and in discussions with alumni/ae, many current students perceive the value of taking time out. Such a “time out” can take many forms. It can be very brief or last for a year or more. It can be structured or unstructured, and directed toward career, academic or purely personal pursuits. Most fundamentally, it is a time to step back and reflect, to gain perspective on personal values and goals, or to gain needed life experience in a setting separate from and independent of one’s accustomed pressures and expectations.


For the years during high school, here is some of the advice students have offered:


Families should allow for “down-time” during vacations, weekends, and during the week at mealtimes or at any other break in the action. The fabric of family life is already under assault from the demands of parents’ increasingly stressful jobs. Parents, some of whom experienced the first wave of fast-lane childhoods themselves, are often distressed by how little uninterrupted free time they have to devote to their children.


Bring summer back. Summer need not be totally consumed by highly structured programs, such as summer schools, travel programs, or athletic camps. While such activities can be wonderful in many ways, they can also add to stress by assembling “super peers” who set nearly impossible standards. Activities in which one can develop at one’s own pace can be much more pleasant and helpful. An old-fashioned summer job that provides a contrast to the school year or allows students to meet others of differing backgrounds, ages, and life experiences is often invaluable in providing psychological downtime and a window on future possibilities. Students need ample free time to reflect, to recreate (i.e. to “re-create” themselves without the driving pressure to achieve as an influence), and to gather strength for the school year ahead.


Choose a high school (or a college) not simply by “brand name” or reputation but because it is the best fit. A school with a slower pace or a different academic or extracurricular focus can be a better match for certain students in the long run.

选择高中(或大学),不应仅凭 “品牌名称”或声誉,合适才是最重要。从长远来看,那些进度较慢但在学术或课外活动方面有不同侧重点的学校可能更适合某些学生。

Using the senior year

The senior year of high school presents some special challenges and opportunities. The U.S. Department of Education’s Commission on the High School Senior Year calls the senior year a “lost opportunity that we need to reclaim.” While some students try to get by with as little work as possible, others find it the most stressful year of their lives, with more demanding courses, more leadership responsibilities in their extracurricular activities, and the added burden of applying to college and taking the requisite college entrance tests.


There is often great tension about choosing and being admitted to the “right” college. Students and their families react to this particular stress in a number of ways, and many want the college admissions process over with as soon as possible.


While early admission programs may be right for some students, many observers have begun to ask whether too many students are applying early. They wonder if students are taking enough time and care to select colleges that best match their academic interests, career goals, and personal aspirations. Some have even used the word “hysteria” to describe some students who, perhaps influenced by peer pressure, want to apply early “somewhere”—without considering which colleges might be best for them. Some students have concluded that it is a virtual necessity to apply early, whatever the circumstances, for fear of being left behind.


We concur with these observers that early admissions programs have not always served students well. In addition, they are not equally available to all students given the great disparities in guidance counseling and other resources in the United States and elsewhere. We eliminated our early admission program in recent years in part to encourage our students to use their secondary school years in the most effective manner possible. By focusing on the opportunities available in secondary school rather than on applying “early” to college, students will also benefit by avoiding the worst aspects of the college application frenzy that students often find so stressful. While we have restored early admission to meet the rising demand for this option—and have instituted changes to encourage students from modest economic backgrounds to apply early—we hope all students will use early admission in a thoughtful manner and only when it is appropriate for their individual needs.

我们同意这些观察家们的观点,即早申请计划并不总是能很好地为学生服务。此外,鉴于美国和其他地区在大学申请指导和其他资源方面的差异很大,并非所有学生都能平等获得(升学指导方面的有效资源)。近年来,我们取消了早申请计划,部分是为了鼓励我们的学生以最有效的方式利用他们的高中学年。通过专注于高中提供的机会,而不是 “提早申请”大学,学生还将因避免在大学申请狂潮中遇到的给学生带来很大压力的窘境而从中受益。尽管我们已经恢复了提前录取以适应对此选项不断增长的需求,并且已经做出了一些变化以鼓励经济状况不佳的学生提早申请,但我们希望所有学生都应以深思熟虑的方式使用提前录取,并且只有在适合他们个人需求的情况下才使用(这样的申请方式)。

Some high schools help their seniors in the transition from high school to college by allowing a slightly reduced course load, along with alternatives such as community service, research projects, and internships that might help with career exploration.


Colleges can help themselves as well as their prospective students by declaring (and demonstrating) that they are not judged simply by the number of AP or other advanced credits amassed at the end of senior year. For example, those students with particular strengths in the humanities and social sciences often believe colleges expect them to take calculus when they might be much better served by another algebra course or statistics—or another language—instead. No matter which path they take, students who can find ways to reduce stress and use the senior year well arrive at college much better prepared to take full advantage of their first year of college.


Taking time off before or during college

Perhaps the best way of all to get the full benefit of a “time-off” is to postpone entrance to college for a year. For more than four decades, Harvard has recommended this option, indeed proposing it in the letter of admission. Now more than one hundred students defer college until the next year.


The results have been uniformly positive. Harvard’s daily student newspaper, The Crimson, reported (5/19/2000) that students who had taken a year off found the experience “so valuable that they would advise all Harvard students to consider it.” Harvard’s overall graduation rate of 97 percent is among the highest in the nation, perhaps in part because so many students take time off. One student, noting that the majority of her friends will simply spend eight consecutive terms at Harvard, “wondered if they ever get the chance to catch their breath.”

结果一直是积极的。根据2000年5月19日出版的哈佛大学学生日报《The Crimson》的报导,休学一年的学生发现这种经历“非常有价值,以至于他们建议所有哈佛学生都去考虑。”哈佛的总毕业率为97%,这在美国大学中是最高的之一,部分原因是因为很多的学生休学所致。一位学生指出,她的大多数朋友只会在哈佛连续八学期,“如果他们有机会喘口气,那真是太神奇了。”

During her year off, the student quoted above toured South America with an ice-skating company and later took a trip to Russia. Another interviewed in the article worked with a growing e-commerce (in which the staff grew from 10 to 100 during the year) and backpacked around Europe for six months.


Some options for the interim year


Members of one recent class participated in the following activities, and more, in the interim year: drama, figure skating, health-care, archeological exploration, kibbutz life, language study, mineralogical research, missionary work, music, non-profit groups, child welfare programs, political campaigns, rebuilding schools, special needs volunteering, sports, steel drumming, storytelling, swing dance, university courses, and writing—to name some chosen at random. They took their interim year in the following locales: Belize, Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Scandinavia, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Uruguay, United States and Zimbabwe. 


Many students divide their year into several segments of work, travel, or study. Not all can afford to travel or to take part in exotic activities. A number have served in the military or other national or international service programs. Some remain at home, working, taking part-time courses, interning, and still finding the time to read books they have never had time to fit into their schedules or begin to write the “great American novel.” Others have been able to forge closer ties with parents or grandparents from whom they may have drifted away during the hectic pace of the high-school years.


Reactions to the year off

Students taking a year off prior to Harvard are doing what students from the U.K. do with their so-called “gap year.” Other countries have mandatory military service for varying periods of time. Regardless of why they took the year off or what they did, students are effusive in their praise. Many speak of their year away as a “life-altering” experience or a “turning point,” and most feel that its full value can never be measured and will pay dividends the rest of their lives. Many come to college with new visions of their academic plans, their extracurricular pursuits, the intangibles they hoped to gain in college, and the career possibilities they observed in their year away. Virtually all would do it again.


Nevertheless, taking time off can be a daunting prospect for students and their parents. Students often want to follow friends on safer and more familiar paths. Parents worry that their sons and daughters will be sidetracked from college, and may never enroll. Both fear that taking time off can cause students to “fall behind” or lose their study skills irrevocably. That fear is rarely justified. High school counselors, college administrators, and others who work with students taking time off can help with reassurance that the benefits far outweigh the risks.

然而,对于学生及其父母来说,中途休学可能给他们带来令对前景的畏惧。学生通常希望在更安全、更熟悉的道路上与朋友为伍。父母担心他们的儿子和女儿会被大学边缘化,并因此与大学失之交臂。双方都担心休学会导致学生“落后”或不可挽回地丧失学习技能。但这种恐惧缺乏合理性。高中升学指导老师、大学行政管理人员以及与其他有休学经历的学生可以让他们放心 – 他们(通过休学)所获得的收益远大于风险。

Occasionally students are admitted to Harvard or other colleges in part because they accomplished something unusual during a year off. While no one should take a year off simply to gain admission to a particular college, time away almost never makes one a less desirable candidate or less well prepared for college.


Achieving balance

While the focus here has been on ways to relieve stress for today’s high-achieving generation, we should note that in fact most students are coping well with pressure, even thriving. This remarkable time offers opportunities that previous generations (and students in many other countries today) could not imagine. Colleges, for example, now reach out through their recruiting programs to talented students from every economic background. Financial aid makes college a reality for outstanding students on a scale that was not possible before. Graduation rates at leading American colleges and universities remain extremely high and students express satisfaction with their college experiences.


It is important to remember that access to higher education around the world is at present limited to a lucky few. Those fortunate enough to enjoy such a privilege have a responsibility to use their talents to provide expanded opportunities for future generations. Our young alumni and alumnae have been successful in meeting the formidable challenges they have faced since college. But they continue to remind us that the rigors of competing in the new world economy impose high standards on everyone. They do not (nor do we) tell today’s students to “slack off” and achieve less. Recent graduates advise today’s high school and college students to prepare themselves emotionally as well as academically.


It is worth noting that extraordinary achievements are never based on emulating someone else’s achievements, but on some unmeasurable combination of (a) marching to one’s own specific and unique drummer and (b) accidentally—perhaps unconsciously—doing something that captures the Zeitgeist in new and unexpected ways. Those whom parents often want their children to emulate either used their own ingenuity to give the public a product or image it desperately wanted, or happened to catch a hot wave of the time, or (ideally) both.


While their achievement stands as an ideal for which others strive, others cannot by definition duplicate that achievement because it is induplicable. So the problem can often be well-meaning but misguided parents who try to mold their children into an image of success they value; and their children, being moldable as they are, often get on board and go along with the program before they have any capacity to make such a choice for themselves. Yet the paradox is that the only road to real success is to become more fully oneself, to succeed in the field and on the terms that one defines for oneself.


So the pressures placed on many children probably have the unintended effect of delaying a child’s finding herself and succeeding on her own terms. We should all have the right to gape with awe at Yo-Yo Ma’s musical triumphs, while at the same time achieving our own more modest ones in our own fields and ways: finding hominid bones that shift our conception of paleontology, or composing smooth jazz melody, or tracing the rise and decline of Roman gentes. Parents and students alike profit from redefining success as fulfillment of the student’s own aims, even those yet to be discovered. Burnout is an inevitable result of trying to live up to alien goals. Time out can promote discovery of one’s own passions.


The fact remains that there is something very different about growing up today. Some students and families are suffering from the frenetic pace, while others are coping but enjoying their lives less than they would like. Even those who are doing extraordinarily well, the “happy warriors” of today’s ultra-competitive landscape, are in danger of emerging a bit less human as they try to keep up with what may be increasingly unrealistic expectations.


The good news is that students themselves offer helpful suggestions about how best to handle the challenges they face. In part because of all the obstacles that confront them from the earliest stages of their lives, this generation has emerged generally more mature, sophisticated, and, at their best, better prepared to cope with the demands of the twenty-first century. They learn at an early age how to cope with both victory and defeat and with the formidable demands placed on them by adults and peers. Yet many would benefit from a pause in their demanding lives. Let us hope that more of them will take some sort of time out before burnout becomes the hallmark of their generation.


2000 - Revised 2017





核心课程(Core Curriculum)是流行于美国顶尖大学的一种本科教育体系。该课程要求学生系统地、全面地和深入地掌握“最应该掌握的 –the knowledge most worth having”知识,培养他们的批判性思维能力。芝加哥大学的核心课程在美国大学中有很大的影响力。学校要求学生在本科阶段的前两年学习核心课程中包括数学、自然科学、人文科学、社会科学、写作和外语学科领域的十五门课程。课程的目的不仅仅在于让学生掌握这些人类知识,更在于激发学生对探索更多的基本问题并提出有助于社会进步的有影响力的观点。

芝加哥大学的核心课程包括通识教育(General Education),专业课程(Major)和选修课程(Elective Courses)三个部分。





芝加哥的本科核心课程被认为是美国大学中最难读的本科课程之一,要顺利地完成学业,学生除了要具备很强的数理分析能力、书面和口头的沟通能力、质疑能力外,还需要有良好的学习习惯,以及跟同学和老师的合作能力。当然,要完成这样的本科学习没有一个好身体是不行的。所以芝加哥大学有”Study Hard. Play Hard.”(学好,玩好!)这样一句流传多年的名言!



Blue Ridge School is an ALL boys boarding school in Virginia, USA, since 1909. Jack Cao, an Beijing-based independent educational consultant, interviewed Mr. Vinton Bruton, Assistant Head of School, and Mrs. Krystle Gee, Director of International Admissions and Parents Relations, on how to educating the teen boys. The following transcript was edited and sorted out by Laura Shi.

蓝岭学校是一所成立于1909年位于美国弗吉利亚州的全男生寄宿学校。独立教育顾问Jack Cao就处于青春期男生的教育问题采访了该校的助理校长Mr. Vinton Bruton和国际招生及家长关系主任Mrs. Krystle Gee。以下文字记录由Laura老师编辑并整理。

Jack: What makes Blue Ridge different from other boys boarding schools?
BRS: I think we have a few distinctive qualities. The first is that, while we have many good
students, our approach is not as filled with academic pressure as many other schools. Another important quality is that all of our students live on campus. When there are both day and boarding students, inevitably this creates two separate cultures in a student body. I also think our international students are particularly well integrated into our school. International students are proportionately represented in student leadership. For the last three years, our student body president has been an international student.

Jack: Outdoor education which BRS features is not part of the school education in China. Are
Chinese boys familiar with or active at the outdoor programs at BRS? How do the outdoor programs help boys develop themselves? Can you share with us two boys (one Chinese if possible) outdoor experience at BRS?

BRS: All Blue Ridge students participate in the outdoor program, either in the afternoons
as a sport or during the class day as an elective. Outdoor education is often new to many students, both international and American, so it gives boys a chance to learn something new together. Even though it may be new to them, some Chinese students really embrace it. Some students are drawn to Blue Ridge School because they are already very active in the Outdoors. This was the case for one of our students from Texas, a senior. But other students start as beginners. For example, a student from China (now a senior) has taken several classes and participates in two sports seasons of outdoor each year. In fact, he won an award last year in Outdoorsmen (a fall sport). I think the best way to describe the impact of the Outdoor program is to emphasize that it offers a chance to spend time being physically active and learning new skills  in a beautiful natural setting.
所有Blue Ridge学生都参加户外活动,无论是在下午作为运动还是在课堂上作为选
修课。户外教育对许多学生来说都是新的,无论是国际学生还是美国学生,因此它给男孩们提供了一起学习新东西的机会。虽然对他们来说可能是新手,但一些中国学生真的很喜欢它。有些学生被Blue Ridge学校吸引,因为他们已经非常活跃在户外活动中。我们的一位来自德克萨斯州的大学生就是这种情况。但其他学生从初学者开始。例如,来自中国(现在是大四)的学生已经参加了几个班级,每年参加两个户外运动季。事实上,他去年在秋冬运动中获得了一项奖项。我认为描述户外活动影响的最佳方式是强调它提供了一个在美丽的自然环境中花时间锻炼身体和学习新技能的机会。

Jack: What does character education mean at BRS? How does it work? How does it help the
young adults to prepare for their college education and personal life?

BRS: Our character education program is based on our Code of Conduct, which emphasizes
integrity, work ethic, responsibility, moral courage, respect for others, and the Golden Rule (treat others as you want to be treated). We believe that these characteristics are respected in most cultures and provide a strong basis for a good life. We set aside time to discuss these values and act on them. For example, we meet weekly as advising groups and often during Saturday morning programs to do lessons on these traits. Our spring field trips give boys a chance to put these ideas into action as they perform community service and overcome difficult outdoor challenges.

Jack: BRS does not provide APs which are thought the rigor of the curriculum. But BRS is
never short of the graduates who were admitted by the elite colleges with exacting intellectual curriculum, like Harvard, Cornell, Johns Hopkins, Georgia Tech, Norte Dame, Middlebury, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UMich, etc. How are the students academically prepared and challenged in BRS’s no AP academic environment, especially those who are capable to do collegiate level courses?

BRS: I would argue that, despite their reputation, AP classes are rarely true replicas of
college-level work. I think that most AP classes stress preparation for an AP test rather than deep learning. For example, most of the AP US history test consists of multiple choice questions. This type of test emphasizes memorization over understanding. Therefore, I think that it’s more in keeping with our mission to allow teachers more latitude in creating their own tests and assessments.

Jack: Boys schools are normally strong in athletics. BRS well represents this culture. But how
about the arts? What arts programs are available? How many BRS boys are involved in art programs either academically or in activities? Did BRS graduates pursue art degrees at colleges as well?

BRS: We have a strong arts program, featuring visual arts and performing arts, including
instrumental music. We require all students to take at least one art class or to participate in an afternoon activity like our school play. During most years, we send at least one student to an art college or an art program in a college.

Jack: Where did the recent Chinese graduate go? Except college counselor, do other faculty
or staff work with the international families on the college applications?
BRS: Our recent Chinese graduates were admitted by a fairly wide range of colleges in the US,
which include Boston University, Cornell, Emory, Georgetown University, Johns Hopkins , University of Michigan, New York University, University of Southern California , etc. In addition to college counselors, our international student coordinator and students’ advisors also work with the international students and their parents in the college application process. In addition, we also work with educational consultants designated by our international student families.

Jack: What are three characters that represent BRS students and faculties most respectively?
BRS: -Caring 关心
-Brotherhood 兄弟情谊
-Active learning 主动学习

Jack: Two things that Chinese parents are concerned most. One is Chinese students prefer to
stay together. The other is the use of electric devices. What does BRS respond to these scenarios?  
中国父母最关心的两件事。一个是中国学生喜欢呆在一起。另一种是使用电子设备。 蓝岭对这些情况有何反应?

BRS: I agree that these are difficult problems to address. I think it’s natural for students
from another country to band together in a new environment. There are some positive aspects to this. However, we try to balance that natural desire by requiring international students to live with a student who is not from their home country (usually an American student) to help them integrate. Also, each advising group consists of both international and domestic students. Finally, sports (which are required) provide a good way for international students to make friends from other countries. Regarding electronic devices, every school and family has to find an appropriate balance between letting students master new technology, allowing students to use technology for recreational purposes, and deciding when to prohibit its use. Two examples of ways that we limit use is that we turn off the wifi at 11pm on most nights and we collect phones before each class.

Jack: Could you please address the supports or advising system that BRS provides to the
international students?

BRS: Dr. Chrisantha Hermanson is our International Student Coordinator. She designs
programs to help boys integrate into our community and to help all members of our school community be supportive of international students. In addition, our three ESL teachers work closely with many of our international students. Each boy is assigned an advisor. Each advisor has 5-7 students who are usually mixed between international and domestic students. These groups meet each morning for a few minutes. On Mondays, they each lunch together and then meet for about 30 minutes.
Chrisantha Hermanson博士是我们的国际学生协调员。她设计的课程旨在帮助男孩融入社区,并帮助学校社区的所有成员支持国际学生。此外,我们的三位ESL教师与我们的许多国际学生密切合作。每个男孩都被分配了一名顾问。每位顾问有5-7名学生,他们通常在国际和国内学生之间混合。这些团体每天早上聚会几分钟。星期一,他们每人共进午餐,然后约会30分钟。
Jack: What education is offered in adolescence wellness?

BRS: We address many issues relevant to adolescent development through our advising program, including healthy sleep habits, how to deal with stress in a productive way, goal-setting, and conflict resolution.

Jack: What advises you would like to give to Chinese parents?

BRS: While academics are the most important thing about school, I think it’s important to
encourage your son to take advantage of the many opportunities beyond academics. Some of these opportunities include sports, outdoors, the arts, and weekend trips off campus.


由美国大学理事会主办的学术水平预备考试(Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test,简称PSAT)考试是美国高中的一项重要的标准化考试,考试人数超过三百万,十年级考生和11年级考生各半。考试的形式与SAT考试相似分为,被誉为SAT预考。通过PSAT考试成绩,学生可以判断出今后SAT考试的分值范围。

除此之外,PSAT成绩也是全美优秀学生奖学金项目(National Merit Scholarship Program,简称NMSP)选拔优秀学生最主要的考量指标,这让PSAT考试有了更大的意义。美国优秀学生奖学金公司(National Merit Scholarship Corporation,简称NMSC)是一家成立于1955年的私立非盈利性机构,该机构的主要职责是与美国大学理事会合作通过每年一度的PSAT在全美范围内选拔优秀的高中学生并授予他们从嘉奖学生(Commended Student)、半决赛选手(Semifinalist)、决赛选手(Finalist)和全美优秀学者(National Merit Scholar)等各个级别的奖励。所以,我们常常看到PSAT考试的全名是PSAT/NMSQT(Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test ,即学术水平预备考试暨全美优秀学生奖学金资格考试),这是一个具有双重意义的全美范围内的高中标化考试。

NMSC通过四个步骤来选拔优秀学生。第一轮,首先从大约150万PSAT/NMSQT考生中按成绩以及所在州的选拔指数(Selection Index)选出50000名学生,这些学生将作为优胜者进入第二轮选拔。在第二轮中,50000选手中成绩最好的16000名学生被授予“半决赛选手”(Semifinalists)进入下一轮的竞争,剩下的34000名选手被授予嘉奖学生(Commended Student),他们将不进入下一轮的竞争。第三轮,从半决赛选手中选出15000名决赛选手(Finalists)进入决赛阶段选拔。第四轮,在决赛阶段,通过对决赛选手在能力(Ability)、技能(Skill)和成就(Achievement)方面的考量,以及决赛选手随后提供的学校成绩、SAT成绩、论文等申请材料最终选出全美优秀学生项目的获奖学生。


1)全美优秀学生2500美元奖学金(National Merit $2,500 Scholarships),该奖由NMSC资助,获奖者人数为2500名。

2)全美优秀学生奖学金(National Merit Scholarship Awards),该奖由230多家企业资助,获奖人数1014人。

3)大学资助奖学金(College-sponsored Scholarship Awards),该奖由180多所大学资助,获奖人数3954人。

4)特殊奖学金奖(Special Scholarship Awards),由评选委员会从未入围决赛阶段的选手中评选出来,该奖由企业资助获奖人数1218人,该奖项由企业资助。


1)PSAT/NMSQT考试是美国影响力最大的择优选材方式,每年大约有150万高中生和2万多所高中参与。2015年获得优秀学生奖的学生的平均SAT成绩是2230,远远高出1490的全美平均水平。这些获奖学生不是学霸也是牛蛙,他们中的大部分都在他们今后的大学或工作中证明了自己的优秀,例如诺贝尔经济学奖获得者保罗克鲁格曼(Paul Krugman)、企业家比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)、美国前国务卿苏珊赖斯(Susan Rice)、《城市暮光》作家史蒂芬妮梅尔(Stephanie Meyer)等。






2小时45分钟 - 阅读60分钟(47题)、写作和语言35分钟(44题)和数学70分钟(48题)


询证阅读和写作Evidence-Based Reading and Writing,包括阅读(Reading Test)和写作与语言(Writing and Language Art)两门考试














Phi Beta Kappa Society – 优等生协会

是美国历史最悠久的学术荣誉机构,通常翻译为“优等生协会”。该名称来源于希腊文Φιλοσοφία Βίου Κυβερνήτης,意为“智慧、学习和知识引领生活”。该协会于1776年成立于威廉玛丽学院(成立于1693年,是继哈佛之后成立的美国的第二所大学,被誉为美国公立常春藤大学的鼻祖),该协会以“钟爱学习引领生活”为宗旨倡导文理教育,现有283名会员学校,这些学校是美国本科教育的杰出代表。会员学校通常学业成绩最优秀的10%学生加入该协会,该协会现有超过60万会员。被授予该协会会员的毕业生中包括17位美国总统,38为美国大法官和136为诺贝尔奖获得者。


Arizona, University of

Arkansas, University of

Auburn University

Augustana College

Austin College

Bates College

Baylor University

Beloit College

Birmingham-Southern College

Boston College

Boston University

Bowdoin College

Bowling Green State University

Brandeis University

Brown University

Bucknell University

California State University, Long Beach

California, University of, Berkeley

California, University of, Davis

California, University of, Irvine

California, University of, Los Angeles

California, University of, Riverside

California, University of, San Diego

California, University of, Santa Barbara

California, University of, Santa Cruz

Carleton College

Carnegie Mellon University

Case Western Reserve University

Catholic University

Centre College

Chatham University

Chicago, University of

Cincinnati, University of

Claremont McKenna College

Clark University

Clemson University

Coe College

Colby College

Colgate University

Colorado College

Colorado State University (CSU)

Colorado, University of

Columbia University, Barnard College

Columbia University, School of General Studies

Columbia University, The College

Connecticut College

Connecticut, University of

Cornell College

Cornell University

Dallas, University of

Dartmouth College

Davidson College

Delaware, University of

Denison University

Denver, University of

DePauw University

Dickinson College

Drake University

Drew University

Duke University

Earlham College

Eckerd College

Elmira College

Emory University

Fairfield University

Fisk University

Florida International University

Florida State University

Florida, University of

Fordham University

Franklin and Marshall College

Furman University

Geneseo, SUNY College at

George Washington University

Georgetown University

Georgia, University of

Gettysburg College

Goucher College

Grinnell College

Gustavus Adolphus College

Hamilton College

Hamline University

Hampden-Sydney College


Haverford College

Hawaii, University of

Hendrix College

Hiram College

Hobart & William Smith Colleges

Hofstra University

Hollins University

Holy Cross, College of the

Hope College

Howard University

Hunter College

Idaho, University of

Illinois College

Illinois Wesleyan University

Illinois, University of, Chicago

Illinois, University of, Urbana-Champaign

Indiana University

Iowa State University

Iowa, University of

Johns Hopkins University

Kalamazoo College

Kansas State University

Kansas, University of

Kent State University

Kentucky, University of

Kenyon College

Knox College

Lafayette College

Lake Forest College

Lawrence University

Lehigh University

Lewis & Clark College

Louisiana State University

Loyola College, Maryland

Loyola University Chicago

Luther College

Macalester College

Maine, University of

Manhattan College

Marietta College

Marquette University

Mary Baldwin College

Mary Washington, University of

Maryland, University of

Maryland, University of, Baltimore County

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Massachusetts, University of

McDaniel College (formerly Western MD)

Miami University, Ohio

Miami, University of (FL)

Michigan State University

Michigan, University of

Middlebury College

Mills College

Millsaps College

Minnesota, University of

Mississippi, University of

Missouri, University of

Morehouse College

Mount Holyoke College

Muhlenberg College

New York University

New York, City University of, Brooklyn College

New York, City University of, City College

New York, City University of, Herbert H. Lehman College

New York, City University of, Queens College

New York, State University of, at Albany

New York, State University of, at Binghamton

New York, State University of, at Buffalo

New York, State University of, at Stony Brook

North Carolina State University

North Carolina, University of, Chapel Hill

North Carolina, University of, Greensboro

North Dakota, University of

Northwestern University

Notre Dame, University of

Oberlin College

Occidental College

Ohio State University

Ohio University

Ohio Wesleyan University

Oklahoma, University of

Oregon, University of

Pennsylvania State University

Pennsylvania, University of

Pittsburgh, University of

Pomona College

Princeton University

Puget Sound, University of

Purdue University

Randolph College

Randolph-Macon College

Redlands, University of

Reed College

Rhode Island, University of

Rhodes College

Rice University

Richmond, University of

Ripon College

Roanoke College

Rochester, University of

Rockford College

Rutgers, The State University (New Brunswick)

Rutgers, The State University, Douglas College

Rutgers University - Newark

Saint Joseph's University

Saint Olaf College

San Diego State University

San Diego, University of

San Francisco State University

Santa Clara University

Scripps College

Skidmore College

Smith College

South Carolina, University of

South Dakota, University of

South, University of the

Southern California, University of

Southern Methodist University

Southwestern University

Spelman College

St. Catherine University

St. Lawrence University

St. Louis University

St. Mary's College of Maryland

St. Michael's College

Stanford University

Stetson University

Swarthmore College

Sweet Briar College

Syracuse University

Temple University

Tennessee, University of

Texas A&M University, College Station

Texas Christian University

Texas Tech University

Texas, University of

The College of New Jersey

Trinity College (CT)

Trinity University (DC)

Trinity University, Texas

Truman State University

Tufts University

Tulane University

Tulsa, University of

Union College

University of the Pacific

Ursinus College

Utah, University of

Valparaiso University

Vanderbilt University

Vassar College

Vermont, University of

Villanova University

Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State University

Virginia, University of

Wabash College

Wake Forest University

Washington & Jefferson College

Washington and Lee University

Washington College (MD)

Washington State University

Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri

Washington, University of

Wayne State University

Wellesley College

Wells College

Wesleyan University

West Virginia University

Western Michigan University

Wheaton College (MA)

Whitman College

Willamette University

William & Mary, College of

Williams College

Wilson College

Wisconsin, University of, Madison

Wisconsin, University of, Milwaukee

Wittenberg University

Wofford College

Wooster, College of

Wyoming, University of

Xavier University

Yale University



富兰克林马歇尔学院(Franklin & Marshall College)由富兰克林(Franklin College)和马歇尔(Marshall College)两所文理学院合并而成。富兰克林学院成立于1789年,因美国开国之父本杰明富兰克林捐助成立而得名,是美国历史上第一所男女混合类大学。马歇尔学院成立于1836年,为纪念美国第五任联邦大法官约翰马歇尔而得名。两所学院与1853年合并成立了富兰克林马歇尔学院,提供以传统学科为基础的本科教育。经过两个多世纪的发展,今天的富兰克林马歇尔学院已经成为一所优秀的文理学院,在US News的美国大学排名中,综合排名文理学院第40位,教学排名文理学院第12位。



2011年,英语教授Daniel Porterfield在他就任F&M院长的就职仪式上说,“我们为我们长期以来一直坚持不懈的承诺而感到荣幸,这些承诺决定了我们是谁,我们服务谁,我们做什么和我们如何做 -we honor those enduring commitments that define who we are, who we serve, what we do and how we work ”。 带着这样的承诺,F&M走过了229年的历史。Porterfield本人是文理教育培养出来的杰出产物。本科毕业于乔治城大学英语专业后,Porterfield荣获久负盛名的罗德奖学金(Rhodes Scholarship)前往牛津大学赫特福德学院攻读英语文学硕士,同时创办华盛顿特区学校项目帮助大学生为新一代的移民家庭孩子提供英语教学。Porterfield在就任F&M院长前曾先后服务于美国政府和乔治城大学,他是文理教育的倡导者和践行者



实践型教育:F&M将传统的大学学习方式与由老师自主设计的课程体系和课堂外(在实验室、社区、实地和其它地区)的实践型学习有效地结合起来,鼓励和激发每一个学生去发展他们的创造力,形成他们的价值观,验证他们的研究理论并思考和尝试服务社会的有效方式。在教育过程中,老师不仅传授知识,更注重培养学生的思考问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力。F&M 1:9的师生比例为学生走近F&M超过50个学科领域的教授们带来了便利。超过三分之二的F&M学生在本科学习期间有与教授共同从事研究并发表学术论文的经历,这样高的比例在美国大学的本科教育中是屈指可数的。






F&M一年级学生返校率为92%,六年本科毕业率为87%。其毕业生因基础知识扎实、善于思辨、视野开阔、创意能力强、富于团队合作而备受欢迎。F&M近三年来毕业生就业的公司或机构包括:IBM、Credit Suisse, eBay、Citigroup、Bloomberg Philanthropies、Fulbright Program, KPMG、Morgan Stanley、Proctor & Gamble、Prudential、US House of Representatives, US Senate等;他们进入的研究生院包括:Boston College、Brown University、Carnegie Mellon、College of William and Mary、Columbia University、Cornell University、Georgetown University, Johns Hopkins University、London School of Economics、Princeton University、Yale University等等。F&M毕业生在不同领域的成功是对F&M教育的最好背书。



达洋行留学 编撰

对话初中寄宿校招生官Ms. Kim Loughlin

位于麻省西部的贝门特学校是一所提供从幼儿园直至9年级的私立走读和寄宿学校,学校在校学生约220人,包括44名来自世界各地的寄宿生。贝门特学校的所在地鹿场(Deerfield)享有丰富的教育资源,著名的鹿场中学、北野山学校,以及包括阿姆赫斯特学院和史密斯学院在内的五大学院均位于该地区。独立教育顾问曹曦老师(Jack Cao)近期就中国家长关注的问题与贝门特学校助理校长兼招生部主任Ms. Kim Loughlin进行了一次对话,现将对话内容整理如下(中英文)与各位家长分享。

Located in West Massachusetts, Bement School is a co-ed day and boarding school for kindergarten to Grade Nine since 1925 with enrollment of 220 students, including 44 boarders from all over the world. Deerfield where Bement is located enjoys a high reputation for its richer educational atmosphere in which prestigious boarding schools like Deerfield Academy and Northfield Mount Hermon School, and the top-rated the Five Colleges including Amherst and Smith College lie nearby. Except these ample resources, what make Bement an attracting school to the international families for their younger kids is an interesting topic. Jack Cao, a Beijing-based independent educational consultant, conducted a dialogue in terms of the topics Chinese parents concern about with Ms. Kim Loughlin, assistant head of school and director of admissions of Bement School. We shared their dialogues below with Chinese translation with the interested parents.  

Jack: As a traditional school of educating younger kids for over 90 years, what make Bement different from the other junior boarding schools?


Kim: The Bement School has a long tradition of educating younger students for

nearly 100 years. And since our founding, our commitment to diversity includes a long history of international students as well. Families have often chosen Bement because of the sense of community. Families know their child will receive wonderful preparation for the secondary school admission process, opportunities to develop and pursue a variety of interests, and opportunities to demonstrate their leadership. But these things happen at The Bement School because of our boarding community is a community which is dedicated to remaining small. Our boarding size is intentional. We feel we can best provide the guidance, supervision, and care for younger students in smaller numbers. Students here are known and our faculty and dorm parents care for them as their own children.

贝门特学校有近百年教育年轻学生的悠久传统。 自成立以来,我们就注重多元化,招收国际学生的历史传统是我们多元化中一部分。家庭经常根据对学校的感觉选择贝门特。家长们知道他们的孩子在这里除了为今后的高中申请做好充分的准备外,还拥有发展和追求各种兴趣以及展示他们领导能力的机会。这些事情之所以发生在贝门特学校是因为我们始终致力于保持一个小规模的寄宿社区。我们有目的地控制寄宿生规模,因为我们坚信小规模的教育环境让我们为低龄孩子提供给最好的指导、监督和关怀。在学校里,每个学生都为人所知。我们的教师和宿舍父母将他们视为自己的孩子。

Jack How many years on average do the faculties work at Bement?


Kim: Bement faculty members average over 15 years of experience.


Jack: Why does Bement request SSAT while most of the other junior boarding

schools not?


Kim: Bement requires testing of all applicants grades 3-9. The SSAT does provide good information to us about the applicant. While we anticipate that many students for whom English is not their first language will score lower on the verbal and reading comprehension sections, the math sections often allow students to demonstrate their strength in this area. The writing sample is also incredibly important to see an example of their writing that has not been proofed or edited by someone else as application essays can be. We do not require the TOEFL exam given that students may take that as often as they like in order to improve their score and thus the TOEFL score may be inflated.


Jack: How does Bement help the young kids to build up their characters in a healthy way?


Kim: The Bement School program is designed to cultivate responsible global citizens who have a sense of their own voice, passions, and direction in the world.  Young people leave Bement poised, able to articulate who they are and what they can bring to a group, and oriented to being constructive friends, classmates, and community members.  Our boarding program asks students to develop individual responsibility alongside responsibility to the group.


Jack: What are the most challenges Chinese students meet at Bement? What resources does Bement provide for those students to overcome these challenges?


Kim: More restricted use of technology. We help students learn to balance the use of technology in their life.



Accepting that their preparation for secondary schools is so much more than SSAT prep. We encourage students to spend weekend time dedicated to community activities and course work rather than focus only on test scores as a sign of success. This can be challenging for students coming from such a test-drive culture as China's, but we know that our approach provides for the most competitive secondary school candidacy.


Jack: Why did Bement launch the summer session in China? How many students attended it this summer? Were all the participating students from China this year? Will Bement do the summer program in China next year?


Kim: In keeping with Bement's traditions and core school values, we offer

summer programs for international students which provide children with an immersive and trans-formative educational experience. Our English Language and Culture program (ELAC) and Bement in Shanghai seek to educate students in intensive English language learning, as well as deepen their studies of American and boarding school culture.

秉承贝门特学校的传统和核心价值观,我们为国际学生提供暑期课程,为孩子们提供身临其境和变革性的教育体验。我们(在贝门特学校)的英语语言文化课程(ELAC)和在上海的“贝门特在上海”(Bement in Shanghai)项目致力于通过英语语言学习教育学生,加深他们对美国和寄宿学校文化的了解。

Given the demand for our summer program on campus at Bement, we decided to create and launch a Bement in Shanghai summer 2018 for students who desired a Bement experience, but may not have been ready to be away from home. Bement in Shanghai is a day program. We see this as one step in the direction to prepare for future study abroad. We feel it is important to emphasize preparation is more than test prep. Our inaugural summer enrolled six students. We envision growing our enrollment in Shanghai to 15 students for summer 2019. Bement in Shanghai runs Monday through Friday July 8-19, 2019.


Bement's ELAC summer program in Deerfield is a boarding program from July 7-August 3, 2019 and we will enroll 21 students.


Jack: It has been an extremely hard job to apply for the US junior boarding

schools for Chinese families. Most of the Chinese families have their kids to prepare the standardized tests, both TOEFL Jr. or TOEFL and SSAT, years before the application for excelling themselves in the competitive application process through stellar scores. What other factors except test scores indeed matter in the application process?


Kim: While test scores are one part of the application for our students applying to Bement, it is not the most important part. We emphasize that a student’s readiness for Bement is best demonstrated through their day to day school performance, what they share in their applications, and their personal interviews. We look for students who are authentically involved in activities rather than busy building a resume.

虽然考试成绩是申请中的一部分,但它并不是最重要的部分。 我们强调,学生可以通过在申请材料和面试中所展示出来的他们的日常学校表现来证明他们是否为贝门特的生活做好了准备。我们寻找的是真正参与活动而不是忙于建立简历的学生。

Jack: It has been a clear rising trend for the demanding Chinese parents to

send their kids to the junior boarding schools in order to have more opportunities to get into the elite boarding schools afterwards. What advice would you like to give the prospective Chinese parents with such a mindset?


Kim: It is true that Junior Boarding can be an excellent preparation for the

secondary boarding experience.  Students learn independence, social and language skills, and gain a deeper understanding of American culture.  It can be tempting to consider junior boarding school only as a step toward elite secondary schools. However, it is most important to regard these educational choices as part of a journey based on the best fit for each student. Bement considers this “fit” most important in reviewing applications for admission to Bement and secondary schools.

确实,初中寄宿学校教育可以为进入高中寄宿校做完美的准备。通过初中寄宿校的教育,学生将学会独立、社交和语言技能,并深入了解美国文化。把初中寄宿校经历视为向精英中学迈出的一步,这很有诱惑力。 然而,重要的是在以适合为基础的前提下让这样的教育机会学生教育经历中的一部分。我们认为这种“适合”是贝门特以及后期的高中校审核学生入学资质最为重要的要素。
