- 分析候选人的背景以及感兴趣的学科或职业领域
- 提供含推荐的冲击、可能和备选项目的研究生院选校策略;
- 定制式申请策略,通过学业准备、个人经历、抱负和成功的个人素质突出候选人资格;
- 提供个性化的标准化考试计划,以帮助考生理解和准备考试,并最终在考试中胜出;
- 提供意在提升学术北京或获得工作经验的暑期项目指导
- 面试辅导和模拟面试
Graduate School Acceptances(2008 – 2018)
American U
Boston U
Brandeis U
Buffalo U, SUNY
California, U of, Berkeley
California, U of, Los Angeles
California, U of, San Diego
California, U of, Santa Barbara
Carnegie Mellon U
Case Western Reserve U
U of Chicago
Colorado, U of
Columbia U
U of Connecticut
Cornell U
U of Denver
Duke U
Emerson College
Emory U
Florida Institute of Tech
Fordham U
George Mason U
George Washington U
Georgetown U
Harvard U
U of Illinois
Indiana U
Johns Hopkins U
Kettering U
U of Maryland
U of Miami
U of Michigan
New York U
Northeastern U
Northwestern U
Ohio State U
U of Pennsylvania
Penn State U
U of Pittsburgh
Purdue U
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rhode Island School of Design
The Rutgers U
U of Missouri
U of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
North Carolina State U
U of Richmond
U of Rochester
U of San Diego
Santa Clara U
U of Southern California
U of Washington
Stony Brook U, SUNY
Swarthmore College
Syracuse U
Texas A & M U
U of Texas Austin
Tulane U
Villanova U
Wake Forest U
Washington U in St. Louis
Yale U
U of Adelaide (Australia)
Bath U (UK)
U of British Columbia (Canada)
Birmingham U (UK)
Cambridge U (UK)
U of Copenhagen (Denmark)
U of Durham (UK)
U of Edinburgh (UK)
Exeter U (UK)
Glasgow U (UK)
HEC Paris (France)
U of Liverpool (UK)
London School of Economics (UK)
U of Manchester (UK)
Melbourne U (UK)
Science Po (France)
Southampton U (UK)
U of Southern Denmark (Denmark)
U of Sydney (Australia)
U of Toronto (Canada)
U College London (UK)
Warwick U (UK)